Central Lancaster High School is part of the Bay Learning Trust, however we follow Lancashire County Council admissions policy and allocate places up to the standard number following Lancashire County Council’s selection criteria. Please read the documentation below for admissions to Central Lancaster High School.

Central Lancaster High School is increasing in popularity. Parents should be reminded, despite the 'Equal' Preference Scheme, placing the school in first position is essential if parents wish to be sure of a place.

Central Lancaster High School is part of the Bay Learning Trust, however we follow Lancashire County Council admissions policy and allocate places up to the standard number following Lancashire County Council’s selection criteria. Please read the documentation below for admissions to Full details are provided in the booklet entitled 'Secondary School Admission in Lancashire', which is normally distributed to parents via the primary school. Priority is given to brothers and sisters of children already attending the school and to those living within the local community, based on geographical priority areas. The Authority may agree to exceptional reasons for admission. In year admissions are managed by the school. 

Parents of prospective pupils are encouraged to attend the Open Evening's in September or to visit the school in session by prior arrangements to see the school at work.

Determined Admission Arrangements for Academic Year 2025/26

Determined Admission Arrangements for Academic Year 2025/26

Determined Admission Arrangements for Academic Year 2024/25

Determined Admission Arrangements for Academic Year 2024/25


Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for our Open Evening dates:


Further information is available here:



Home School Agreement

We, as school, are committed to provide an excellent educational experience for your son or daughter and ask you to pledge support in a number of ways that are outlined in our home school agreement detailed below.

Home School Agreement

As a result we will be working together to make sure your child succeeds in all aspects of their life.


In-Year Admissions

Non-routine (in-year) admissions. It sometimes happens that a child needs to change school other than at the “normal” time; such admissions are known as non-routine or in-year admissions.  Any application for a school place on or after the first day of the academic term will be considered as an in-year application.  Any application for another age group will also be considered as an in-year application.

Moving to a new school is an important step for all children. It can affect children in many ways and decisions by parents to change school should therefore always be carefully considered. There are instances where a change of school is essential i.e. for families who have moved into or relocated within Lancashire. In situations where a school move is not absolutely essential all parents are strongly urged to carefully consider the implications for their child. Changing schools is a big event for any child and should not be undertaken without first talking to the headteacher at your child’s current school, to try to resolve any problems.

What should I consider?

Some of the things which you must think about if you are considering a change of school for your child for convenience rather than necessity are:-

  • Curriculum – this is especially important for secondary aged children, and particularly for those in Years 9, 10 or 11.  A new school may not necessarily be able to exactly match a child’s existing curriculum commitments.
  • Achievement – on average statistics show that school moves lower examination results.
  • Behaviour – it can be helpful for a child who is presenting challenging behaviour to move to a new school.  However this is normally only where the behaviour is linked to the existing school. If strategies to assist a child have already been put in place these can be disrupted by a school move. This can lead to further difficulties.  It is usually better for the child if the family work with the existing school to help to address and resolve any difficulties.
  • Where a school move is a strategy to address challenging behaviour there is often a requirement for the child to be on the roll of both schools for an interim period. If the change of schools is not successful the child would be expected to remain on roll and attend the original school.
  • Peer Group / Friends – if there are difficulties consider if these would be resolved by a school move? There could be similar issues, even in a new school. Again it is often better to work with the existing school to address matters. Moving a child away from an established peer group may adversely affect achievement.
  • Timing – a change of schools during the school year can disrupt a child’s education if they are already in the middle of a specific piece of coursework.
  • Uniform – schools set their own uniform requirements and Lancashire does not generally provide financial
  • assistance with uniform costs.
  • Transport – schools set their own start and finish times. You need to consider the implication of these on your child and in relation to your personal day to day schedule.

If you are considering moving your child to Central Lancaster High School due to a change in address, change of education status, change in educational needs etc. then to commence an application with us, follow the link below to complete and submit our In Year Admission form. Please complete and submit one form for each of your children. This will provide us with the general information we require to commence the process. At this point please provide as much information you can utilising the additional information question. 

Once submitted, you will receive your application confirmation.

Central Lancaster High School Online Application Form for In-Year Admissions

LA School Transfer Form



The school’s admission appeals are supported by Lancashire County Council. If the Governing body cannot offer a school place, parents have the right to make an appeal.

This appeal should be submitted using the link below within twenty days of refusal of admission. The appeal provides you with an opportunity to explain why you wish to register your child at our school. The appeal forms and advice on how to complete them is available on the Lancashire County Council website:


Lancashire County Council will contact you in respect of your appeal application and inform you of the arrangements. The outcome of the appeal will be notified to you in writing.

The decision of the Independent Appeal Panel is binding to all parties, ie the family and the school.

Please note that this right of appeal against the Governors’ decision does not prevent you from making an appeal in respect of any other school.


For further information on Mid Term Admissions, contact Mrs Joanna Cameron via email at; jcameron@lancasterhigh.lancs.sch.uk


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